“Software Development Lifecycle Process” is one of the most important processes which determines the quality of the software product. But unfortunately this process is ignored by most of enterprises because of their lack of knowledge.
In this lifecycle model consist of: setting up a source control storage that developer team members cooperate, automatic transfer of the application to DEV / TEST / PILOT platforms, version control, preparation of test reports, measurement of code quality, code review operations, testing the data access layer versions, execution of tests, media -based configuration management, process management, preparation of process management for production deployment and hotfix operations.
We support all our ACEDEMAND customers, sharing the SDLC processes we used successfully in our own projects and improve the product quality of the software being developed in the phase of refinement.
ACEDEMAND involves in your SDLC processes in two basis, APPLICATION and SUPPORT.
In APPLICATION process, SDLC is being designed and developed end-to-end and transferred to opreation.
In SUPPORT, we provide consultancy services like “how-to” and problems our customers faced related to products shown below.
Products in Support Coverage:
- Atlassian Bamboo & Cruise Control
- Apache Maven, Apache Ant
- Liquibase
- Sonar Metrics
- jUnit & Selenium
- Gradle, Grunt